News from the Editorial Board of Tungs' Medical Journal
Tungs' Medical Journal (TMJ) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, providing a medical platform for research related to clinical practice and research in all fields of medicine and related disciplines to promote a high quality of health care. TMJ is published biannually in June and December and is in the list of the Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT) accredited academic journals for the teaching hospital accreditation (valid from July 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2027) . Articles in the following types are welcomed: Original Article, Review Article, Brief Communication, Case Report, Image, Pathology Page and Letter to the Editor. Please refer to the submission guidelines and instructions for further information.
Link to the Tungs' Medical Journal manuscript submission and peer review system :
Editorial Board List

Tungs' Medical Journal (TMJ) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, providing a medical platform for research related to clinical practice and research in all fields of medicine and related disciplines to promote a high quality of health care. TMJ is published biannually in June and December and is in the list of the Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT) accredited academic journals for the teaching hospital accreditation (valid from July 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2027) . Articles in the following types are welcomed: Original Article, Review Article, Brief Communication, Case Report, Image, Pathology Page and Letter to the Editor. Please refer to the submission guidelines and instructions for further information.
Link to the Tungs' Medical Journal official website:
Link to the Tungs' Medical Journal manuscript submission and peer review system :
Editorial Board List
- 2023 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2022 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2021 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2020 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2019 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2018 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2017 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2016 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2015 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2014 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2013 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2012 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2011 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2010 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2009 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2008 Tungs’ Medical Journal
- 2007 Tungs’ Medical Journal
Submission Guidelines
Submission Information for Authors
Manuscript Templates:
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding manuscript submission to Tungs' Medical Journal, please contact us.
Tungs’ Medical Journal
Editorial Office
Telephone: +886-4-26581919 ext. 59045
Email: Tungs_Journal@ms3.sltung.com.tw
Mailing Address: Tungs' Taichung Metro HarborHospital, Research Department (Tungs' Medical Journal), No. 699, Sec. 8, Taiwan Boulevard, Wuqi District, Taichung City 435, Taiwan